Back, Butt, Thighs

Day 5

Before you begin, repeat the stretches you’ve already learned. When you’re finished, practice these two new exercises. Stay in your comfort zone, both for the range of stretching and the number of times you repeat the stretch.

Low Back and Butt

1.Lie on your back with both legs straight out.

2.Exhale while bending one knee and raising it toward the opposite shoulder.

3.Use the hand on the same side of the body to guide your leg, placing your hand on the outside of your knee.

4.Grab your foot with the opposite hand and pull your heel toward the ground.

5.Use your hand for a gentle assist at the end of the stretch.

6.Inhale back to the position in step 3.

7.Repeat steps 2-6 five to ten times.

8.Repeat steps 2-7 for the opposite leg.


This exercise puts a good stretch on the piriformis muscle, located in your butt. The piriformis is an important muscle because of its involvement with the sciatic nerve, the nerve running directly over the piriformis. If you’re troubled by sciatica, stretching this muscle daily can help you manage the pain.


Low-Mid Back and Back of Thighs

1.Lie on your back with both legs straight out.

2.Loop your rope around your exercising leg.

3.Exhale your exercising leg up and toward your opposite shoulder, leading with your heel and going as far as you comfortably can.

4.Use the rope for a gentle assist at the end of the stretch.

5.Inhale your leg to the ground.

  1. 6.Repeat steps 3-5 five to ten times.

  2. 7.Repeat steps 3-6 with your other leg.
