Hip and Upper Legs
Week 4
Hip and Upper Leg Muscles
You’ve already worked your hip and upper leg muscles with two excellent all-purposes exercises, Bridges and Bicycle Crunches. This week, you’ll work those muscles again with two new exercises: Standing Leg Raises and Running Pointers.
Your stretching routine includes exercises that increase the flexibility of your hips. Tight hip muscles can throw your posture off, resulting in a back that’s too flat, one where the three natural curves of your spine are compromised.
On the other hand, weak hip muscles can result in sway back, where the curve in your low back is exaggerated. Good posture requires balanced muscles, muscles that are stretched and strengthened in concert.
Schedule for week 4
Standing Leg Raises
1.Stand behind a chair, holding onto the chair’s back for support.
2.Exhale one knee up as high as you comfortably can.
3.Inhale the knee down.
4.Repeat steps 2-3 as many times as you comfortably can, 12-15 maximum.
5.Repeat steps 2-4 for the other leg.
6.Repeat steps 2-5 two to three times, resting between sets.